Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7

Week one over and its really been an interesting exercise.  Its harder than I thought to be able to take something everyday and also try and have some variety.  Its really making me start to think hard about how and what I will plant in the future.  

Planning will be the key but what a great learning curve.  Seeing the excitement daily in my daughter as she asks me as soon as we walk in the door "Can we see whats ready."  Its gold.  Money can't buy that.

At times I think i may go a day without taking something but so far I have managed to do something different each day.  Some days we have revisited salad leaves but it is Summer, so its salad season.  

We've got some interesting things coming through but they will need a few more weeks.  Yellow zucchinis, squash, capsicums and watermelons.

So onto today's pick.  We've had a little luck with some corn.  Not a huge result but enough to taste the potential.  A piece of steak was on the menu so a fresh "raw" veggie salad made a great side.  We used corn, coriander, celery and spring onion.  The steak was topped with a herb butter using rosemary.

Tomorrow I promise, finally a strawberry picture.

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