Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 255

We did it.  We were awarded today with the First Prize in the Sustainable Garden Competition at  the Wyndham Sustainability Festival.  It's a great achievement for us and one we greatly appreciate receiving.  It makes all our work over the last couple of years in the garden worthwhile and one that will keep us aiming to be even more conscious of what we are doing with our block.  

Hopefully it will also help get the word about aquaponics out there as well as others discover the different elements that bring our sustainable garden together.

Part of the award was $500 and we are going to use that money to purchase a larger rain water tank to harvest rainfall to keep the AP fish tanks topped up over summer.  

So a HUGE thanks to the Wyndham City Council and the sponsors of the competition.  It's great to see organisations getting behind a great cause and bringing sustainability to the forefront.  


  1. Congratulations. Hopefully this will go a long way to prove that AP is one of the most sustainable forms of small form gardening.

  2. Congrats! I'm sure it feels good after all of the hard work. Keep up with the AP evangelism.

  3. Whoo Hoo!! This is terrific news!! Congratulations on an award well deserved!! This is just the best and I am so pleased for you! Hugs all around and keep spreading the AP news:-)

  4. Well done guys,
    Keep up the great work.

  5. Fantastic news guys. Your dedication to creating a piece of sustainability in your backyard is so inspiring to all of us!
    The benefits to your family will be rewarded over and over again.

  6. Congratulations! (Belatedly; I was traveling and am just now catching up on your blog).
